MTAA is a non-profit organization that was founded over 50 years ago to provide a variety of sports programs for the children of Muhlenberg Township. MTAA is a 12 and under organization primarily, that offers Baseball, Softball, Football, Field Hockey, Fall Baseball & Softball, Cheerleading, Girls and Boys basketball, and Wrestling. The organization is funded through fundraisers, donations, sports fees, and the sponsorship of signs located at the MTAA sports complex. The following are MTAA sign sponsorship programs available for the organization for your company to participate.
Home Run: 4X8 Billboard with your Company name and logo hung on the outfield fence of the baseball or softball field at the MTAA Sports Complex. Signs on both fields (space limited) reduced by $25.00 per year.
$350 for the first year. Cost includes having the sign made with your print ready artwork.
Renewal each year is $200. Purchase a 3 year package for $700.00 or a 5 year package for $950.00.
Sign renewals for currently displayed signage. $200.00/year or $525 for 3 years or 750.00 for 5 years
Sponsor Name: _____________________________________________________________
Contact Person: __________________________PhoneNumber:__________________
Email Address: __________________________Website: _________________________
Make Check payable to ”MTAA” Contact: Don Raifsnider 610-781-7683
PO Box 127, Temple, PA 19560 Email: Sponsors@mtaasports.com
Online Invoice
Invoice for online purchases