Clearance Policy Letter

Coaches/Volunteer Clearance Policy

It is the policy of the Muhlenberg Township Athletic Association (MTAA) and NOW STATE LAW, that all Board of Directors, commissioners and all volunteers wanting to coach or work with the children participating in MTAA sponsored activities are required to have criminal history and child abuse background checks (clearances) on file with MTAA. Such clearances shall be valid for three years from date of issuance.  Please be advised you will receive a copy of the criminal history clearance in the mail and need to submit it to MTAA. The child abuse clearance will be able to be emailed and printed or snail mail and copied and then needs to be submitted to MTAA as well. These clearances would be accepted by the schools because they are done by the state of Pennsylvania.  The school also requires an additional FBI clearance by state law. This one is not required by MTAA under the law until 2018 but IS required currently by the schools.

The Board of Directors asks you to use the following links to acquire your clearances:


Thank you,


MTAA Board of Directors