We at MTAA would like to take a minute to thank everyone on the following list for helping to sponsor our successful casino night. Those in attendance had a great time and won great prizes. Thank You All. CrossKeys Insurance – Brad Coley WeeTalk Speech and Language Services Assist to Sell Real Estate Carvel United Artist « Continue »
Meeting Cancelled
Dear Members and Board Members, Because of lack of availability tonight's General and Board Meeting have been cancelled. I am sorry for the late notice but I was only made aware of this minutes ago. Sorry for the short notice! Don Raifsnider Jr President « Continue »
Thank you for great Casino Night
Let me take this time to say THANK YOU to all for the successful Casino Night last night. MTAA board for all the time and effort and work put into making it work. The local companies too numerous to mention for the table sponsors as well as the places that either donated or gave us food at a discount to be able to feed everyone last night. The « Continue »
Casino Night Reminder
Hey everyone just a reminder that our Casino Night is coming quickly. April 14th, 2018 is the date. Goodwill Beneficial Association is the place. Food, gaming, music and dancing and cash bar. Join us for a night of fun and raising money for the kids of MTAA. « Continue »
Casino Night 2018
CASINO NIGHT IS COMING!!! In addition to the Food and Beverages available yes we will be gambling to benefit MTAA. You will be able to win prizes donated by local businesses. The picture below is that of the DJ who will be playing at our fundraiser. DJ Tommy Capretto is part of BRO CODE. He spins tunes at Zia Maria's in « Continue »
Softball Notice
We want to make sure all of the softball parents have received the email regarding facemasks. Effective with the 2018 Softball season player masks MUST be worn while playing the infield. We are also doing uniform fittings Wednesday night. If you have not received either if these notification via email contact us at « Continue »
Jersey MIke’s Fundraiser
Jersey Mike's Subs have paired with MTAA to help us raise money for the benefit of the Children of MTAA. PLEASE NOTE THIS STARTS WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 14th, 2018 PLEASE feel free to print this and use the coupons to help raise money for MTAA. « Continue »
By-Laws Approval
At the January meeting of MTAA, there were bylaw updates presented and approved by the board to be brought to the membership for approval. I have copy and pasted those bylaws here for you to read. They will be brought to the General Membership Meeting in February. The date is February 26th 2018. Most of the changes were updates to « Continue »